Soul Herbs Mountain Tea – 30gr


Soul Herbs offers us Mountain tea from the mythical mountain of centaurs, Makrinitsa. Cultivation and harvesting are done by hand at 1000m. altitude.

Packed in a modified atmosphere in a bag with zip closure to maintain color and freshness.

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You can also find it as: Iron,

Mountain Tea (Sideritis) is a perennial, native plant that grows

the 30cm. height and consists of thin round twigs with fluffy leaves and grows in mountainous areas.

It blooms in summer. The color of its flowers is yellow, purple, or pink. It is one of the most recognizable and favorite herbs in Greece, known as “Greek Mountain Tea”

Mythology & History

“Mountain tea” comes from the plant Sideritis spp or Dioscorides sideritis, which is said to have taken its name from the Greek word “iron” thanks to the healing effect of the plant against wounds caused by iron weapons.

The Greeks from antiquity referred to mountain tea as the “tea of ​​the gods” or the “tea of ​​the Titans”. The Titans were powerful deities who lived on Mount Othris, where mountain tea grows naturally. From there it is said that they fought Zeus and the other gods, throwing huge stones at Olympus. Thus, they had managed for a while to rule the world before the Olympian gods.

Method of preparation


Boil 1-2 kg of mountain tea for each cup of water for 2-3 minutes, strain it and drink it.