Soul Herbs Louisa leaves – 20gr


Soul Herbs offers us Louisa leaves with a strong lemon aroma.

Packed in a modified atmosphere in a bag with zip closure to maintain color and freshness.

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You can also find it as: Lemongrass, gorgogianni, aluiza, eluiza, beautiful grass, allusia


Louisa (Aloysia citrodora) is a deciduous, perennial shrub between 1.5-2 m tall.

It blooms in the summer months. It is known as Lemon verbena and in Greece as lemongrass, “grass of God”.

Main active ingredients: vernenaline, barberine

Mythology & History

Louise came to Europe in the 17th century from the Spaniards. Initially, the French botanist Philibert Commerson gave the plant the name Aloysia triphylla, but when he brought it to the Royal Garden of Madrid, the Spanish physician Casimiro Gomez Ortega and the botanist Antonio Paulau gave the plant its new name Alorasia citri Louisa Teresa, Princess of Parma.

The monk Agapios who lived in the 7th century, in his “Agricultural” mentions the many healing properties of louiza. Castor Durande recommended it as an infusion against stomach ailments and as a wonderful digestive. For this purpose it is widely used even today.

Method of preparation


Boil 1 kg of herb in a cup of water and drink it 20 minutes before your meals. Drink this drink for 1-2 months, take a break of two weeks and continue, depending on the pounds you want to lose.

Other uses

used as a flavoring in food and sweets. It is often recommended for flavoring boiled fish and various soups. It also goes well with poultry.
It is used for flavoring drinks, as its rich aroma highlights and enhances the natural aroma of the fruit.
Louise decoction is excellent for washing and cleansing your face.

Side effects

Although it is safe to use louiza, it is advisable to avoid excessive consumption.