Cannabis Marijuana Hashish – Grivas Kleanthis


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    • Publisher: IANOS
    • Release year: 2017 (latest version)
    • Pages: 232
    •  GREEK language
    • For millennia, cannabis has played a key role in human survival as a source of energy, nutrition and clothing, as well as a healing and euphoric means. But for sixty years it has been under persecution as a threat to its existence. Until 1937, humanity used cannabis to meet many needs of daily life. After 1937, selfish self-appointed “protectors” of society from drugs reduced it to “ultimate evil” and imposed a ban on its cultivation and the persecution of its users.


Grivas Kleanthis Author, Translator, Contributor, Illustrator Kleanthis Grivas (1944) is a psychiatrist-neurologist, doctor of Psychiatry at the Medical School of AUTh. He studied Medicine and Sociology and is a contributor to many magazines and newspapers, including Eleftherotypia (until 4.2.2002). He was the author of the “Report on Drugs” of the Special Committee of the Medical Association of Thessaloniki (1986).